Sinmad : VA+PM Synthesizer
Suggested Price: €81,50
Sinmad : the next NUSofting advanced ‘soft synth’.
64 bitVST2
Sinmad : the next NUSofting advanced ‘soft synth’.
A virtual instrument with its own peculiar and organic voice.
The selected features, from virtual analogue to physical modelling.
make this synth a novel approach to sound creation: We designed the GUI
to let you easily improvise subtle or extreme timbre variations.
#! Read also:
Early examples: [Note. The first track “acidified” uses drums samples, while in the others Sinmad is used for all sounds, including the electro-acoustic drums]
Saving presets with project song in DAW is disabled in the demo. Also the sessions are limited to about 25 minutes, then you need to reload the plug-in. Download for Windows (64-bit) Sinmad_Demo_by_NUSofting_1.0.2_DEMO_Installer Download for Mac NUSofting_Sinmad_1.0.2_Demo_macOS_AU_VSTTrouble installing? Please read the FAQVideos
These videos are sound tweaking sessions, over which I added comments [captions] about the main Sinmad features used. For a more complete experience of the sound possibilities please download the Demo plug-in.Searching Sounds for My LoopsChangelog
SinMad 1.0.2: Mac compatibility update and a serious bug eliminated.Fixed: 1) A bug that could make Sinmad goes into "Expired Beta" mode on past 16 December. Or it would not install on newer Mac computers.2) Mac installer failed to instal on M1 or new Monterey macOSKnown issues: Patch Randomizer may crash the GUI on M1 Apple Silicon Mac. [please report any other issue you may find, thanks.]SinMad 1.0.1:Features:- MTS-ESP* supported microtuning via 'scala' and .tun files. (Scala .kbm file ability to unmap MIDI keys is not supported and neither are MIDI channels).*MTS-ESP master plugins are avaialble at Free version at: *Scala files are freely available at: Compatibility update: macOS Big Sur and Windows 10 latest. - GUI adjustments.Fixed:- "sat/lim" didn't allow CPU to zero after release.
SinMad 1.0.0:Features:- Delay matrix 'alternative mixing' modes completed.- Delay matrix master filter 'damp'.- Delay matrix master 'octave shift'.- Help on screen extended with more info.- Factory presets updated, still working on it. The old beta presets have been removed until updated. The line "Some presets files are missing" must not appear in the preset menu, otherwise that means you are loading old incompatible presets.- Manual (HTML) updated, still working on it.Fixed:- The 'duo' parameter display was shared among instances.- Main LFO Depth display had a bug.- CPU bar rising/spikes on note release, on some PC.- Wrong default values in EQ.- "wave 1 FM2" knobs could not respond to mouse.- GUI cosmetics.Notes about compatibility:- Windows 7, if missing in your system files, needs the microsoft redistributable update VS 2012. Latest Windows 10 may require you to install Sinmad in "C:/Program Files", depends on admin permissions.- Waveform (Tracktion) needs to have "DPI aware" enable.- Reaper is back within the supported DAWs on Mac, anyway I suggest to turn on "Smooth Seek" in Reaper Audio Preferences.
New in SinMad 0.9.9 beta, May 2021.Features:- Delay matrix 'alternative mixing' modes, not completely defined yet, but they can already model some physical instruments, like simple membranes and flutes. These features will be upgraded.- Delay matrix master pitch new knob, to fine tune the whole matrix. Very useful to shape the harmonic responses. also because 'octave', master 'tuning', 'pitch env 2' and osc 'glide' do not affect the delay matrix.- Help on screen extended with more info.- Changed behavior and range of modWheel and aftertouch. Now the target parameter sets minimum value from which modWheel and aftertouch start the modulations.- MIDI monitor: on GUI the values of modWheel, aftertouch and pitchbend as actually used by Sinmad.- 26 new presets. (Factory folder "New")Fixed:- CC 123 would shut down voices without fading with release.- EQ plot not animated when modulate by LFO and had conflicts with GUI EQ controls.- Main LFO could produce a "click" on first note.- LFO not modulating matrix times and "harmonics" correctly.- Delay matrix wrong mono mode.- Master gain at zero was setting synth engine off.- Aftertouch was not reaching all possible targets.- Plug-in resume could cause glitches in DAWs that call it during playback. (Especially Reaper)